Saturday, January 18, 2014

chesterton on our book shelves


I'm linking up with Sarah at Amongst Lovely Things for her Weekends with Chesterton series.

My choices in finding a G.K. Chesterton quote that fits the theme of this blog were few.

But, here is what I came upon.

I have no source for this quote except for Brainy Quote.  Is this cheating?

Well, to redeem myself I have the following photos of the bookish kind that you can always find here at beauty of the picture book.

One of the books is still wrapped in plastic.  Ha!

Still trying to get my 10 year-old interested in these.

Granted, these are not picture books, but until someone comes out with something like Chesterton: A Picture Book Primer, these will have to do for now.

Hmmm ... could "Baby Chesterton" be the new "Baby Einstein"?

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

saint felix and the spider

Do you know the story of Saint Felix of Nola?  It is quite an intriguing story.

Saint Felix was born in Nola, Italy and lived in the third century.  After his father's death, Felix sold off his possessions, gave the proceeds to the poor and was ordained a priest by Bishop Maximus.  During the persecution under Roman emperor Decius, Maximus was forced to flee while Felix was arrested and beaten for his Christian faith.  Freed by an angel, Felix escaped prison and came to the aid of his bishop.  The Romans attempted a subsequent arrest, but were thwarted by a spider weaving her web over the opening of a hole into which Felix had crept, miraculously causing the soldiers to turn away and search elsewhere.

In Saint Felix and the Spider, author Dessi Jackson tells this tale from a perspective of love and friendship between a man and one of God's tiniest creatures.  Ms. Jackson does something quite clever in her story of how the spider ends up at the cave with Felix and leaves one with the feeling that with God, nothing happens by accident.  This picture book is a great read-aloud that will delight and captivate all who listen.

Spiders and their webs have no place in an orderly home.

 "In a small village, in a land far away in times further back than you can think,
there was a wee little house."

Felix is delighted to meet the spider and names her Fidelis or "faithful one."

"As I can see by your beautiful web, you are faithful to your gifts and your place in life."

Notice the soldier giving the "thumbs down". :)

"Look at this web!  It has been here for a very long time ... There is no way Felix is in there!"

Felix teaches how to live for God.

"Together they spun and wove the days of their lives, like wee pearls on the necklace of life!"

Are you as fascinated with the detail of the illustrations as I am?  What is even more impressive is that the talented illustrator is a teenager (and homeschooled to boot)!  I first came upon her artistry through her adorable alphabet coloring pages Writing the ABC's on Little Hearts, which we use as part of our preschool/kindergarten curriculum.  Check out how proud of her work her family must be.  I would be, too!

Stay tuned for an interview with the illustrator herself, Miss Lydia Grace of The Saracen's Head, coming some time in February.


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Monday, January 6, 2014

fan art: the legend of old befana

My girls drew a little fan art for today's Feast of the Epiphany.

by Francesca, age 4
   "In the eastern sky she saw a brilliant star, which seemed to grow before her eyes."

by Chiara, age 7
 She visits all the children while they sleep and leaves them gifts from her basket.
Then she takes her broom and sweeps the room all clean.  " For, after all," says Old Befana,
"I never know which child might be the Baby King of Bethlehem."

Take a look if you want to learn more about the book.

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the snowy day

The Snowy Day is one of those picture books that each of my kiddos, at one time or another, have had me read to them over and over again in one sitting.  Through its simple cut-out illustrations, the story reveals a child's wonder at the morning's freshly fallen snow and the hope of capturing and keeping that wonder forever.

What possibilities does the day hold?

Perhaps some sliding down a hill through billowy wisps of snow?

And some time for contemplating while sitting in a warm bubbly bath?

We will be hibernating today, as the forecast predicts one to three inches of snow with a high of 19 degrees Fahrenheit and a low of  -9 degrees Fahrenheit.  Yes, that's negative nine!  I think we would much rather enjoy our snowy day in the warmth of our home.

An animated storybook of The Snowy Day is available at the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation.

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

monthly pics for january

For most of my life, I lived my winters in the sunshine of a warm climate.  Shorts, t-shirts, and tank tops could occasionally be worn in the months from December to February in my home town.  In the months leading up to "winter," visits to white sandy beaches wearing typical beach attire are not uncommon.

My husband, who is from a climate with full-on winters, can attest that the sunshine, warm weather and the white sandy beaches can make a guy do crazy things -- like propose to a girl you have known for only three months.

I will say, however, that LOVE too can make a girl do crazy things -- like move to your husband's home town and buy your first winter wardrobe for the snow and temperatures in the teens.

So here we are, many years later, with two bigs and two littles in our lives ... all wearing their winter wardrobes.

Winter 2013


Picture Books for January

After your kiddos have played in the snow outside, get a cup of hot cocoa, sit by the fire, and enjoy these (snowy) Caldecott Medal selections inside.

  • Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin
  • White Snow Bright Snow by Alvin Tresselt
  • Snow by Uri Shulevitz
  • The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
  • The Big Snow by Berta and Elmer Hader (not pictured, but worth mentioning)

Additional Resources

Winter Nature Study ideas at Homeschool Share
The official website of Wilson A. "Snowflake" Bentley
Incredible biographical information and video interview with Uri Shulevitz
An animated storybook of The Snowy Day at the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation

What good winter reads do you recommend for January?

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